Thursday, October 22, 2009

A Peek Inside

Top: CJ practicing writing "I" in shaving cream
Below: Several of the really cool spider webs that were made last week when we were studying spiders (it supposed to look like a web at night that has just been rained on)
Next: Bilaal and Sarah lead the class in the months of the year song
Next: Mia practices writing different types of bats
Last: Christina adds some /Mm/ pictures in her writing journal... look at the AWESOME labeling!

Making 8

Today your child made different groups of 8 using counters and then their partner had to recreate the same problem using different colors of clay. After they got it down, I challenged them to also try to figure out the addition sentence. For example: 3 reds and 5 yellows is the same as saying 3 + 5=8

Video: Citlali and Ana make 8

Math Fun: Making 7 and 8

My little math whizzes have not only been making groups of 7 and 8. But they have also been learning that by making different groups of 7 and 8, they are making addition sentence problems!
You can practice these same skills at home to reinforce what we have been doing in class.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Excellent Websites

Is your child bored with the same old websites? Or are you trying to find some great websites that you can use to help your child? Well, the websites listed below are excellent! They are kindergarten kid friendly as well as parent friendly. Check them out and let me know what you think. (even has some stories, songs, and games in spanish)

Have fun!

Welcome, Bienvenido, حفلة استقبال, Sự Hoan Nghinh!

Welcome to our class's blog! I hope this blog will keep you updated on everything you could ever want to know about our class. Please feel free to contact me anytime through email, phone, and of course, by commenting on the blog.