Monday, November 2, 2009

Fun Homework Ideas

* Play a board game with your child (do this atleast twice a week.. it builds so many different skills)
* Have your child practice writing their name and passwords in playdoh
* Take your child on a nature walk and have them describe what they see
* Create a book about your family
* Challenge your child to collect 10 objects from the yard (acorns, leaves, sticks, etc)
* Scramble up passwords and have your child try to guess what the word is (ex: lypa = play)
* Take turns writing each letter of the passwords
* Rainbow write the alphabet (use a different color for each letter)
* Take your child to the park and when they read a password correct let them slide down the slide
* Spend time together doing what they want to do!

Of course, please make sure that you are reading with your child atleast 5 times a day. Ask them questions about the characters. Ask them to tell you what they liked and/or didn't like about the story. Have your child create a new ending to the story. Talk to them about the 5 W's (who, what, when, where, how). There is so much that you can do with your child while reading!

Example Homework Schedule:

Monday: Read a book and come up with 5 words that start with the letter of the week
Tuesday: Practice making groups of #s 1-10 with objects from around the house, practice writing the letter of week using play doh
Wednesday: Play a board game (Candy Land, charades, Memory, etc) and read a book
Thursday: Practice writing #s 1-10 in shaving cream and read a book
Friday: Play a board game and read a book

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