Oh wow a fun week! Our letter was /Aa/ so we did
a lot with apples, yum yum. We had an apple taste test
and most of the class loved green apples the best. We also made
homemade applesauce -- delicious!

In math, we were studying patterns. We read the book Pattern Fish and then
watercolored fish to make a pattern. We also
got to make really fun pattern hats. But I think
the kid's favorite pattern activity was playing
Candy Land. We discussed the patterns
on the board... and well, we just had fun too!

The kids really LOVED our magnet unit
in science. They enjoyed testing items to see
if they were magnetic. They also liked trying
to get the repelling magnets to touch. But it is impossible!
Most of all, they really enjoyed just
getting to explore all of the different types of magnets..
and the power of magnets!

That's al ot of paperclips!

Wow, look at what Jayden made!

magnetic tennis balls

Tyler found out the legs on his chair are magnetic.